MyBotoxLA MyBotoxLA

MyBotoxLA details

12457 Ventura Blvd, Ste #205, 91604 , Studio City California USA
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Phone no. (818) 850-3345
Fax -
Postal code 91604
City Studio City
State California
Country USA
MyBotoxLA - LAs top rated non-surgical medical spa offering CoolSculpting, Botox & Dermal Fillers services to help you look beautiful & feel younger. Our friendly staff is available any time before or after your visit ensuring every aspect of your experience is enjoyable. Our modern yet warm spa environment is comfy and inviting with refreshments and snacks for our customers to enjoy. With a friendly, supportive, and informative service, it`s no surprise that we are considered one of the best medi-spas in Los Angeles. But don`t take our word for it, check out our 5-star rating on Yelp! Free parking available.