Hollis, Wright, Clay & Vail, P.C.

Hollis, Wright, Clay & Vail, P.C. details

2201 Morris Ave, 35203 , Birmingham Alabama USA
E.mail firm@hollis-wright.com
Phone no. (205) 324-3600
Fax (205) 324-3636
Postal code 35203
City Birmingham
State Alabama
Country USA
A Birmingham personal injury lawyer at Hollis, Wright, Clay & Vail, P.C., is ready to guide you through the complex process of collecting compensation for your injuries. Our attorneys are aggressive, zealous advocates for the clients we represent. We are highly skilled in litigating and trying complex and very contentious cases while always maintaining a sense of professionalism, integrity and respect for others. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or killed in an accident or by a defective or dangerous product, please contact us. Your case will be evaluated for free, and we will let you know whether you have a valid case.