Herbivores Herbivores

Herbivores details

75-5722 Hanama Pl, 96740 , Kailua Kona Hawaii USA
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Phone no. (808) 331-4372
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Postal code 96740
City Kailua Kona
State Hawaii
Country USA
At Herbivores, we look at food differently. We believe that what we put into our bodies is just as important as where it came from. All living things, including plants, carry an energy that we take on when we eat them. Without plants, we could not live. They are all that is life. That is why we provide the community with a healthy, vegan, fast-food option to ensure that your on the go lifestyle is matched with a plant based meal to fuel your energy. Grab everything you need at our vegan restaurant from 100% Kona Coffee to vegan pizza, smoothies & shakes, hearty burgers, desserts and more.