Cosmetic and Reconstructive Dentistry

Business areas:


Cosmetic and Reconstructive Dentistry details

1275 Post Road, Suite 201, 06824 , Fairfield Connecticut USA
E.mail -
Phone no. (203) 255-6878
Fax (203) 319-1124
Postal code 06824
City Fairfield
State Connecticut
Country USA
Located in Fairfield CT, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry has a team of compassionate dental professionals that has built a reputation for providing high quality dental care. Dr. Donald Miller & Dr. Salvatore Korecki pride themselves on creating an environment that provides patients with personalized gentle care in a modern comfortable setting. Call us today at 203-255-6878 to set up a free consultation or visit us in the Brick Walk @ 1275 Post Road, Suite 201 not far from the Sherman Green.