Elegant Smiles

Elegant Smiles details

1955 Cliff Valley Way Northeast, #100, 30329 , Brookhaven Georgia USA
E.mail -
Phone no. (404) 634-4224
Fax -
Postal code 30329
City Brookhaven
State Georgia
Country USA
We understand the dental health needs of families in our Brookhaven community. We keep up with the latest trends in dental technology to ensure you receive the absolute best and most cost effective treatment. Elegant Smiles is a completely digital office focused on providing painless treatment to our patients. Our team of highly skilled dental professionals will provide you with the necessary and safe treatment to give you and your family a beautiful and elegant smile. With our excellence in general dentistry, we are equipped to restore your teeth from injury, disease, infection and other harmful circumstances. Our dentists are passionate about treating patients with the best that modern dentistry has to offer.