The Fay School The Fay School

The Fay School details

105 N Post Oak Ln, 77024 , Houston Texas USA
Phone no. (713) 681-8300
Fax -
Postal code 77024
City Houston
State Texas
Country USA
THE FAY SCHOOL is a nonsectarian, not-for-profit, co-educational school in which children of diverse talents and backgrounds with strong academic abilities are offered a high-quality education in a secure, enriching and academically challenging environment. Here children learn and grow intellectually, physically, socially, ethically, and artistically while developing self-confidence and a lifelong love of learning through an active partnership among educators, parents, and students. Rather than pushing products, we can recommend medication chain-of-custody equipment solutions and serve as your long-term partner for continuous improvement. The right solution can help increase direct patient care time and improve quality of care, patient engagement, medication safety, and keep your nurses working at their top level of licensure.