Dental Health Associates of Madison

Business areas:


Dental Health Associates of Madison details

44 E. Mifflen Suite 204, 53703 , Madison Wisconsin USA
Phone no. 608-833-6112
Fax -
Postal code 53703
City Madison
State Wisconsin
Country USA
Dental Health Associates of Madison (West-Orthodontics Clinic) is a dental health provider located in Madison, Wisconsin. We`ve been caring for patients like you for over 40 years! This location specializes in high quality orthodontic care. Orthodontic evaluations may occur as young as age 6 or 7. Many developing orthodontic problems can be intercepted and minimized or prevented by early detection. It is never too early for a screening evaluation. There is never a charge for an initial evaluation or a follow-up evaluation. We look forward to our first meeting with you! Make an appointment today!